The animals were in a funk.
The poop was EVERYWHERE.
It stuck to paw and claw and trunk,
To tail and horn and hair.
Dung beetles just love to chew on other animals’ tasty poo. But when the monkeys mock Daisy and her chums for having such a stinky lunch, the beetles go on strike!
The monkeys refuse to say sorry for being rude. But they soon discover that without the beetles, there’s no one to clean up their business – and so the manky mound of monkey muck grows and grows and GROWS! Worse, it makes the forest dirty and smelly and drives away all the other creatures, except for millions of – FLIES!
With hilarious colourful illustrations by Nick East and published by Hodder Children’s, THE POO THAT GREW is a funny, poopy eco-tale with a message about keystone species – and saying sorry! – that shows children how every little creature is important to our environment. At the end of the book there is a spread of fun facts about dung beetles.
“This book cleverly informs children about the important jobs dung beetles do to help our environment. The fun illustrations support the text and the rhyming text gets everyone involved in a topic that all children will LOVE…POO!!!!! With rhyming text to join in and familiar songs, this book was a big hit with a class of 6-7 year olds!
The information about ‘Brilliant Poop-Scooping Beetles’ at the back of the book informs and helps children understand that, without these beetles, plants and trees would start to die and there would be a horrible smell everywhere! A great book to support work on Habitats.” – The Reading Zone, review by Maria, teacher.