Pantemonium CoverFred the Giant is off fishing today. But yikes! His giant underpants have got caught on the end of his hook!

Follow Fred as he drags his giant undies all around town, unwittingly scooping up a cat, the baker and all his cakes, a fire engine, a digger – and much, much more! You will be amazed at how much fits in those megapants. It’s PANTEMONIUM out there!

Pantemonium! is hilariously illustrated by the fabulous Becka Moor, and published by the excellent folk of Andersen Press.

You can see me reading the story on YouTube here.


“Pants: guaranteed to make children giggle, and they’ll do it on a massive scale in this story. … Super!”LoveReading4Kids

ISBN: 9781728449739 (hardback)

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